Saturday, January 16, 2010

I've been reminding myself daily that I have to update my blog and had all kinds of great ideas as to what I was going to write about. Unfortunately, I cant think of any of them right now!

Jacob's next appointment with the neurosurgeon is on February 18th. It was scheduled for the 11th but they had to change it for some reason. Normally I wouldn't mind but this appointment is a BIG one. On February 18th at 1:00 p.m., we will find out if Jacob is ready to retire his helmet. As adorable as he is in his helmet, we can't wait until the day that he doesn't have to wear it anymore. The busted lips and bruised faces will not be missed. We're trying to keep ourselves from getting too excited for fear of not getting the good news that we want. Best case scenario: Helmet comes off in February. Worst case scenario: Helmet doesn't come off until May. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

I think I'm still too tired after my night out with Jeff... I will return when I have something a little more interesting to say.

Monday, January 4, 2010

It looks like frikkin' FAO Schwartz in here!

So, Jacob has seen both his first blizzard and his first Christmas, all within the same week. Jeff and I stayed up late wrapping all of Jacob's gifts in hopes that he would enjoy tearing the paper off. Unfortunately, he had absolutely no desire so I unwrapped them all. If only we had known, we could have just put them all under the tree UNwrapped and slept more! Note to self: 9 month old children have no desire to unwrap gifts.


We had Jacob dressed up in his special Christmas pajamas and he was absolutely adorable!


He got tons of new toys but his favorites have got to be his stand and learn table, the little jungle ball thingy (yes, that IS the technical name) and the Radio Flyer wagon. He loves to both push the wagon and ride inside of it. When we put him inside, he tries to stand up so my mom set up his little Elmo chair inside. Its his little pimp wagon now.


The look on his face just says, "I dont know what you heard about me, but a bitch cant get a dollar out of me! No Cadillac, no perms, you cant see that Im a mother $%*&ing P.I.M.P." (courtesy of 50 Cent)