Friday, June 4, 2010

8 more days...

There are only 8 more days of school. Thank. God. This school year has just been very trying for me and I really miss working in the high schools. Im thinking I will do one more year at my current school and then see if I can get myself back into the high school setting.

I dont know that I will have anything witty to say today. Im having a bit of an off week and am finding myself stressed and a bit overwhelmed. I really need to learn how to start crapping twenties (well, maybe hundreds... Im not too regular) and get past the miserably fat feeling. I choose not to discuss the money issue right now, its enough to just say that it is an issue.

So far as the miserably fat feeling, UGH! My brain realizes that even if I gain 1lb per week for the remaining 20.5 weeks of my pregnancy that I will still weigh less than when I had JD, but my self esteem just cant seem to handle gaining weight. Im sure part of it is having to work with the skinny lady across the hall everyday, serving as a constant reminder of how I used to look when I was her age.... a very long 7 years ago. I also find myself obsessing over trying to figure out how I am going to schedule time to work out once this baby gets here. I wasnt able to manage it when I had Jacob, what the hell makes me think I will be able to manage it when Ive got two ankle biters running around here. Seriously... I must be delusional.

ANYWAY- this blog isnt supposed to be about me. I guess I will have to start another one to use as my personal outlet =).

Jacob is growing like a weed and the poor guy is cutting some more teeth. The worst part about that is that he gets such horrible, acid poo and it just tears up his little bum. The poor little guy doesnt even like to sit in the bathtub (and he LOVES bath time). I also have to use disposable diapers when he has this teething rash and it kind of pisses me off. Oh well, it may not be the greenest thing to do, but it is what I have to do in order to make sure my diapers survive the rash too!

Aside from growing like a weed and having a sore bum, things are pretty much the same around here. He's a champion eater, terribly silly and an absolute pleasure to be around. I promise more pics next time.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

There are so many things to catch up on that I dont even know where to begin!

First of all, I have been terrible with keeping everyone updated. I apologize but its been pretty exhausting keeping up with my little monkey.

Jacob turned 1 on March 10th and we had a party that ended up being much bigger than my mothers house. Note to self: 20 invitations does NOT equal 20 people. There was probably at least 40 people there and it was quite chaotic. To top things off, JD had his shots the day before so he was feverish and cranky. Interestingly enough, I cant find any of the pictures that were taken that day. Once found, I promise to share.

Jacob's birthday party held another surprise. That was when we announced that Jake was going to be a big brother via t-shirt. We had ordered a "I have a secret.... Im going to be a big brother" t-shirt and we put it on him after he made a mess of himself with his cake. Needless to say, it didn't go quite as planned since he was tired and cranky. We ended up basically having to tell everyone "look at my new shirt". Eh- it got the point across =).

So, bebe numero dos is due October 27th and we will find out if it is going to be a little brother or a little sister around 4pm on June 7th. I think Jeff needs a little girl in his life but he says he only wants a boy. We'll see......

Good Friday we took JD to the zoo. He LOVED it! We took the stroller and the Babyhawk since he doesn't seem to be too fond of the stroller sometimes. Good call- he started fussing in the stroller almost immediately, but was very happy to chill out on mommy's back. Sidenote: It was kind of cool to see and recognize one of the animals in the zoo from the Diego cartoon. When Jeff asked, "What the hell is an Okapi?" I was able to tell him that he needed to watch more cartoons!

Here are a couple of JD's 1 year photos:


I guess I will close out with yesterday's activities. We were finally able to have Jacob's naming and dedication ceremony at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis. It was a very nice ceremony in the memorial garden and we had him blessed with all four of the elements. Uncle Darryl did a reading for us and we were very happy with the whole event. I only have a few photos:


And these, well these are just because I can.


Till next time....

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today was my EDD

So, today was my estimated due date with Jacob. I remember walking into the OB's office and the woman at the desk asked me how I was feeling. She found my reply quite humorous- I said, "He is still in me... how do you think Im feeling?" Stubborn little bugger!

I know I havent posted in a while so there is a lot to catch up on.

First of all, would anyone care to tell me exactly when my baby became a little boy? My squishy little newborn baby is WALKING. He eats whole pieces of our food and drinks from a sippy cup or straw. I mean, seriously.... when did this happen? At this rate, I will wake up one morning and he will be going to *gasp!* school!!!

Secondly (maybe this should have been first), Jacob is finished with his helmet therapy! Woo hoo! After 9 months and 3 helmets, Dr. Ahn has decided that he no longer requires the helmet. He also told us the Jacob has amazing results and asked if JHH could use our photos on their website. Ummmmm, YES! I will take and post new photos soon.

Lastly, we see the pediatrician on his birthday, March 10th, for his well baby check-up. I will post his current photos and stats along with his newborn photos and stats after that appointment.

Until then....

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Holy Snow Batman!

We are experiencing a true freak of nature. The second blizzard in one season! Its rare to ever get one blizzard, let alone two.

This is what we woke up to:



This is Jeff clearing out a potty spot for Molly.


Molly jumped off of the steps and got lost in the snow. Poor girl.

Friday, February 5, 2010


The dog snores like a pro. I think she could give Jeff a run for his money.

Think they make doggie C-Pap machines?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Just when you think you've got it all figured out....

reality SLAPS you in the face to remind you that you dont. I have been having a few "inadequate mommy" days and I really hate these kind of days. All that June Cleaver crap is exactly that... CRAP. I dont care what anyone says, she had a freaking maid. Either that or a nanny- otherwise she must have had some superpowers in order to be able to watch and raise her children, clean the house, do the laundry and cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. WTF? Hey, Mrs. Cleaver, way to make me feel like an inadequate mother. You. Suck.

On another note, I think I will be able to save a lot of money on babysitters. What do you think?


That little stinker just crawled his butt into the bedroom and went right into the crate and made himself comfortable before figuring out exactly how the door works. Hmmmmm, this may come in handy! =)

Lets switch gears again: In my quest to actually BE Mother Earth, I have been making some changes in my life since Jacob has come. Most of you are aware of the fact that we cloth diaper JD. In this endeavor, I quickly learned how irritating it is to find a disposable wipe in the wash with your diapers because you accidentally put it in the wetbag instead of the trash. So, in order to avoid any more irritation, I made myself some cloth wipes. I ♥ them. I ♥ them so much that I thought that other people may also ♥ them so I offered to make some testers and give them out (FREE) to some ladies on Babycenter. I have since gotten 2 PAYING orders for my wipes and one glowing review (thanks Jill!). Perhaps I have found my niche. Perhaps, just perhaps.... I am meant to be Mother Earth.


Just because he's so darned cute:


Saturday, January 16, 2010

I've been reminding myself daily that I have to update my blog and had all kinds of great ideas as to what I was going to write about. Unfortunately, I cant think of any of them right now!

Jacob's next appointment with the neurosurgeon is on February 18th. It was scheduled for the 11th but they had to change it for some reason. Normally I wouldn't mind but this appointment is a BIG one. On February 18th at 1:00 p.m., we will find out if Jacob is ready to retire his helmet. As adorable as he is in his helmet, we can't wait until the day that he doesn't have to wear it anymore. The busted lips and bruised faces will not be missed. We're trying to keep ourselves from getting too excited for fear of not getting the good news that we want. Best case scenario: Helmet comes off in February. Worst case scenario: Helmet doesn't come off until May. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

I think I'm still too tired after my night out with Jeff... I will return when I have something a little more interesting to say.

Monday, January 4, 2010

It looks like frikkin' FAO Schwartz in here!

So, Jacob has seen both his first blizzard and his first Christmas, all within the same week. Jeff and I stayed up late wrapping all of Jacob's gifts in hopes that he would enjoy tearing the paper off. Unfortunately, he had absolutely no desire so I unwrapped them all. If only we had known, we could have just put them all under the tree UNwrapped and slept more! Note to self: 9 month old children have no desire to unwrap gifts.


We had Jacob dressed up in his special Christmas pajamas and he was absolutely adorable!


He got tons of new toys but his favorites have got to be his stand and learn table, the little jungle ball thingy (yes, that IS the technical name) and the Radio Flyer wagon. He loves to both push the wagon and ride inside of it. When we put him inside, he tries to stand up so my mom set up his little Elmo chair inside. Its his little pimp wagon now.


The look on his face just says, "I dont know what you heard about me, but a bitch cant get a dollar out of me! No Cadillac, no perms, you cant see that Im a mother $%*&ing P.I.M.P." (courtesy of 50 Cent)