Sunday, May 2, 2010

There are so many things to catch up on that I dont even know where to begin!

First of all, I have been terrible with keeping everyone updated. I apologize but its been pretty exhausting keeping up with my little monkey.

Jacob turned 1 on March 10th and we had a party that ended up being much bigger than my mothers house. Note to self: 20 invitations does NOT equal 20 people. There was probably at least 40 people there and it was quite chaotic. To top things off, JD had his shots the day before so he was feverish and cranky. Interestingly enough, I cant find any of the pictures that were taken that day. Once found, I promise to share.

Jacob's birthday party held another surprise. That was when we announced that Jake was going to be a big brother via t-shirt. We had ordered a "I have a secret.... Im going to be a big brother" t-shirt and we put it on him after he made a mess of himself with his cake. Needless to say, it didn't go quite as planned since he was tired and cranky. We ended up basically having to tell everyone "look at my new shirt". Eh- it got the point across =).

So, bebe numero dos is due October 27th and we will find out if it is going to be a little brother or a little sister around 4pm on June 7th. I think Jeff needs a little girl in his life but he says he only wants a boy. We'll see......

Good Friday we took JD to the zoo. He LOVED it! We took the stroller and the Babyhawk since he doesn't seem to be too fond of the stroller sometimes. Good call- he started fussing in the stroller almost immediately, but was very happy to chill out on mommy's back. Sidenote: It was kind of cool to see and recognize one of the animals in the zoo from the Diego cartoon. When Jeff asked, "What the hell is an Okapi?" I was able to tell him that he needed to watch more cartoons!

Here are a couple of JD's 1 year photos:


I guess I will close out with yesterday's activities. We were finally able to have Jacob's naming and dedication ceremony at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis. It was a very nice ceremony in the memorial garden and we had him blessed with all four of the elements. Uncle Darryl did a reading for us and we were very happy with the whole event. I only have a few photos:


And these, well these are just because I can.


Till next time....

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