Friday, June 4, 2010

8 more days...

There are only 8 more days of school. Thank. God. This school year has just been very trying for me and I really miss working in the high schools. Im thinking I will do one more year at my current school and then see if I can get myself back into the high school setting.

I dont know that I will have anything witty to say today. Im having a bit of an off week and am finding myself stressed and a bit overwhelmed. I really need to learn how to start crapping twenties (well, maybe hundreds... Im not too regular) and get past the miserably fat feeling. I choose not to discuss the money issue right now, its enough to just say that it is an issue.

So far as the miserably fat feeling, UGH! My brain realizes that even if I gain 1lb per week for the remaining 20.5 weeks of my pregnancy that I will still weigh less than when I had JD, but my self esteem just cant seem to handle gaining weight. Im sure part of it is having to work with the skinny lady across the hall everyday, serving as a constant reminder of how I used to look when I was her age.... a very long 7 years ago. I also find myself obsessing over trying to figure out how I am going to schedule time to work out once this baby gets here. I wasnt able to manage it when I had Jacob, what the hell makes me think I will be able to manage it when Ive got two ankle biters running around here. Seriously... I must be delusional.

ANYWAY- this blog isnt supposed to be about me. I guess I will have to start another one to use as my personal outlet =).

Jacob is growing like a weed and the poor guy is cutting some more teeth. The worst part about that is that he gets such horrible, acid poo and it just tears up his little bum. The poor little guy doesnt even like to sit in the bathtub (and he LOVES bath time). I also have to use disposable diapers when he has this teething rash and it kind of pisses me off. Oh well, it may not be the greenest thing to do, but it is what I have to do in order to make sure my diapers survive the rash too!

Aside from growing like a weed and having a sore bum, things are pretty much the same around here. He's a champion eater, terribly silly and an absolute pleasure to be around. I promise more pics next time.